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  • Doctor of Philosophy
    가정사역전공 박사 Ph.D.
  • Doctor of Education
    교육/상담전공 박사 Ed.D.
  • MA in Marriage and Family Therapy
  • MA in Christian Counseling
    상담학 석사 MA
  • MA in Christian Education
    교육학 석사 MA
  • BA in Counseling
    상담학전공 학사 편입 BA
  • AA in Counseling
    상담학전공 전문대 과정
  • Peer Christian Counseling Diploma
Doctor of Philosophy 가정사역전공 박사 Ph.D.


HIS UNIVERSITY는 전 세계에서 가정사역전공 철학박사학위(PH.D.)를 취득할 수 있는 유일한 학교입니다.

Program Description

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Family Ministry is designed to equip highly competent professionals to conduct research, publish and teach. The degree emphasizes family ministry components of education and places a strong emphasis on family ministry leaders’ training.

Graduation Requirements

A student must complete 60 units of the Ph.D. program curriculum to be eligible for=""graduation.
(A maximum of 12 transfer units is allowed.) Prior to graduation approval, the student must also:

  • 1. Complete 60 required curriculum units with a GPA of 3.3 in all coursework.
  • 2. Complete of all units within a seven (7) year time span from date of entry.
  • 3. Pass a comprehensive exam.
  • 4. Fulfill all financial requirements.
  • 5. File an application for intent to graduate with the school office 6 weeks prior to graduation to certify that all graduation requirements have been met.
  • 6. Orally defend and submit an approved dissertation.
  • 7. Submit the required copies of the bilingual dissertation
Specific semester units required for the Doctor of Philosophy in Family Ministry Studies

Core Program Requirements Semester Units Total Units for Graduation (60)

DFM700 Family Education and Counseling Research 4
DFM701 Research Design 4
DFM710 Biblical Studies on Family Ministry 4
DFM720 Advanced Pastoral Counseling 4
DFM730 Family Ministry Program Development 4
DFM731 Team Ministry Research 4
DFM744 Special Topics in Family Studies 4
DFM780 Advanced Field Experience I 4
DFM781 Advanced Field Experience II 4
DFM790 Dissertation 8
선택과목 (16)

NOTE: Applicant must have completed at least three years of full-time ministry experience with evidence of leadership gifts and abilities.

Prerequisite Course Requirements - A minimum of 12 units in counseling and 12 units in Biblical studies is required including the following courses

MCE/MCC510 Cross-cultural Education and Family Ministry 3
MCE/MCC511 Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationship 3
MCC530 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling 3
MCC560 Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
MCC/MCC500/MFT500 Research Method 3
Doctor of Education 교육/상담전공 박사 Ed.D.

Education / Counseling (60 Units)

EDD701 Family Education and Counseling Research 4
EDD702 Special Topics in Family Studies 4
EDD703 Advanced Child Education Antenatal Training 1
EDD704 Advanced Childhood Education - Nursery 1
EDD705 Advanced Childhood Education - Preschool 1
EDD706 Advanced Childhood Education - Elementary 1
EDD707 Dynamics of Adolescent Education & Counseling 4
EDD708 Childhood Education & Counseling I 2
EDD709 Childhood Education & Counseling II 2
EDD710 Adult and Senior Education & Counseling 2
EDD711 Advanced Adult and Senior Education & Counseling 2
EDD720 Advanced Abnormal Psychology 3
EDD721 Special Topics: Alcoholism and Substance Abuse 1
EDD722 Special Topics: Domestic Violence Workshop 1
EDD723 Special Topics: Child Abuse Workshop 1
EDD730 Research Design 4
EDD780 Advanced Field Practicum I 4
EDD781 Advanced Field Practicum II 4
EDD780 Dissertation 8

Prerequisite Course Requirements - A minimum of 12 units in counseling and 12 units in Biblical studies is required including the following courses

MCE/MCC510 Cross-cultural Education and Family Ministry 3
MCE/MCC511 Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationship 3
MCC530 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling 3
MCC560 Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
MCC/MCC500/MFT500 Research Method 3
MFT석사 - in Marriage and Family Therapy

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (67 Units) / 73 Units (including Prerequisites)

California 주정부 가족치료사 라이센스 취득(MFT)

HIS University는 미 전역에서 이중언어(한국어 & 영어)로 공부할 수 있도록 허락된유일한 학교입니다.

MFT500 Research Methods 1
MFT510 Cross-Cultural Education and Family 3
MFT511 Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationships 3
MFT512 Legal, Ethical and Moral Issues in Therapy 3
MFT513 Psychotherapy and Cultural Diversity 3
MFT514 Marriage and Family Counseling 3
MFT540 Child Abuse Workshop 1
MFT541 Domestic Violence Workshop 1
MFT542 Psychopharmacology 2
MFT543 Aging & Long Term Care 1
MFT544 Special Topics in Psychotherapy 3
MFT545 Case Management 1
MFT551 Theories of Personality and Psychotherapy 3
MFT552 Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy 2
MFT557 Marital Therapy 3
MFT561 Child and Adolescent Therapy 3
MFT563 Recovery Model of Mental Illness- Psychopathology 3
MFT564 Severe Mental Illness 3
MFT571 Family Therapy 3
MFT577 Psychological Assessment & Test 3
MFT580 Introduction to Clinical Practice I: Basic Skills 2
MFT581 Introduction to Clinical Practice II: Advanced Skills 2
MFT595 Alcoholism and Substance Abuse 3
MFT596 Crisis Counseling 3
MFT597 Clinical Placement I 3
MFT598 Clinical Placement II 3

Practicum Hours : 300 hours (Supervised, direct, in-person contact practicum)

Prerequisite Course Requirements
BAC545 Abnormal Psychology 3
MCC551 Human Growth & Development 3
MA in Christian Counseling 상담학 석사 MA

Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (48 Units)

MCC500 Research Methods 3
MCC510 Cross-Cultural Education and Family Ministry 3
MCC511 Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationships 3
MCC514 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling 3
MCC545 Family Therapy 3
MCC550 Spirituality in Therapy 3
MCC551 Human Growth and Development 3
MCC555 Child and Youth Counseling 3
MCC560 Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
MCC561 Group Counseling 3
MCC562 Marital Counseling 3
MCC563 Theories of Psychotherapy
MCC564 Abnormal Psychology
MCC570 Practicum I 3
MCC571 Practicum II 3
MA in Christian Education 교육학 석사 MA

Master of Arts in Christian Education (48 Units)

MCE500 Research Methods 3
MCE502 Introduction to Christian Education 3
MCE510 Cross-Cultural Education and Family Ministry 3
MCE511 Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationships 3
MCE512 Christian Family Life Education 3
MCE513 Child and Youth Education 3
MCE520 Parenting Education 3
MCE521 Child & Adolescent Development Psychology 3
MCE533 Cultural and Ethnic Issues 3
MCE570 Field Education I 3
MCE571 Field Education II 3


BA in Counseling 상담학전공 학사 편입 BA

Bachelor of Arts in Counseling 3, 4(60 units)

전문대학 2년제 졸업자는 3학년 상담학 전공으로 학사편입이 가능함.
4년제 정규대학 중퇴자로 60학점 이상 이수하신분은 3학년 학사편입 가능함.

BAC300 기초조사방법론 (Introduction to Research Methods) 3
BAC310 기독교상담학 (Foundations of Christian Counseling) 3
BAC411 혼전상담 (Premarital Counseling) 3
BAC412 결혼과 가정상담의 성경적 기초
(Biblical Foundations of Marriage and Family)
BAC420 어린이상담 입문 (Introduction to Child Counseling) 3
BAC421 청소년상담 입문 (Introduction to Adolescent Counseling) 3
BAC430 상담세미나 (Counseling Seminar) 3
BAC431 특별 주제상담 (Special Topics in Counseling) 3
BAC450 심리학 입문 (Introduction to Psychology) 3
BAC451 기초 발달심리학 (Developmental Psychology) 3
BAC452 이상심리학 (Abnormal Psychology) 3
BAC460 인간관계론 (Human Relationship) 3
BAC470 성격이론 (Personality Theory) 3
BAC480 정신분석치료 입문(Foundations of Psychotherapy) 3

Biblical Studies


AA in Counseling 상담학전공 전문대학 (2년 과정)

Associates Degree in Counseling - 60 units

General Education as Foundation Courses 18 Semester Units.
AAD211 English - Comprehension 2
AAD212 English - Writing Skill 2
AAD213 English - Interview Skill 2
AAD214 Writing - Documentation 2
AAD215 Math - Foundation for Research 2
AAD217 Science - Biology 2
AAD221 History - Korea, U.S.A, & World 2
AAD231 Computer -Library Research 2
AAD240 Physical Education 2
Interdisciplinary Course Work 5 Semester Units
ABS201 Biblical Integration to Counseling 3
ABS202 Spirituality in Counseling 2
Professional Course Work 31 Semester Units
AAD251 Theories of Counseling 3
AAD258 Development Psychology 3
AAD262 Communication Skills 3
AAD263 Abnormal Psychology 3
AAD264 Human Relationships 3
AAD265 Child & Youth Counseling 3
AAD266 Marriage & Family Counseling 3
Diploma in Peer Christian Counseling

Diploma in Peer Christian Counseling (24 Units)

Core Program Requirements - 15 Semester Units
DCC101 Basic Counseling Skills 3
DCC103 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling 3
DCC104 Communication Skills 3
DCC105 Family Therapy 3
DCC180 Practicum 3
선택과목 - Choose three of the following courses as an elective - 9 Semester Units
DCC102 Basic Legal, Ethical and Moral Issues in Therapy 3
DCC511 Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationships 3
DCC520 Parenting Education 3
DCC533 Child and Adolescent Therapy 3
DCC565 Group Counseling 3
DCC560 Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy 3