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2024 Graduation Ceremony - President's Speech

master Hit 104 09-09-2024 03:29

Hello all, 

Again, I want to express our sincere gratitude to all who have participated in our Graduation Ceremony. 

Last Saturday, due to technical problems, the translation of our president's words of greetings was not available. 

To those who had difficulty understanding her speech, my sincere apologies. 

Let us visit her words again in Korean and English. 

Thank you. 

2024 HIS University Graduation Ceremony

Words of Greeting – President Eun Soon Yang


     We have been enjoying a ball at the grand ballroom called HIS University, which God has bestowed upon us. At this moment, we are also enjoying one of the festivities along the journey—the commencement ceremony. Leaving behind another wonderful memory in the journey of all our lives…!

     As the poet Na Tae-joo expressed in his poem "Gift," "The greatest gift I received under the sky is today." 

     And also, "Among the gifts I received today, the most beautiful gift is you."

     I truly like, value, love, and always bless the people I meet at HIS University. That includes all of you gathered here today. In this world, there are countless places to spend your money, time, and energy, yet you chose HIS University. It’s because you are wise, have foresight, and know what is most noble and precious.

     HIS University is a place that produces family ministry leaders who "learn in order to give to others," embodying both intellect and emotion, character and spirituality. HIS University aims for the highest goal of integration, both in personal character and academic endeavors. It seeks to integrate theory and practice, faith and life, East and West, ideals and reality, left brain and right brain, self and others, past, present, future, and the concept of time with eternity.

     Poet Lee Seong-sun asks this question in his poem "One Beloved Star": Can I become a person like a star? When someone looks up in loneliness, can I be the kind of person who makes eye contact and reflects light into their heart?

     Daniel 12:3 provides the answer: 

     "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."

     Yes, those who are receiving their degrees today will become like the stars, shining eternally as attractive family counselors, family educators, and family ministers, whom many people long to meet and become. You will become channels of blessing, life, joy, and love. Wherever you go, there will be change and growth in individuals, families, churches, and society. The light of love and hope will shine brightly.

     We are all different—appearance, thoughts, expressions, abilities, and experiences—but in God, we are one family. Every aspect here today—the appearance, attitude, thoughts, emotions, expressions, and movements of those gathered, every program and decoration—is all for “me,” and for each one of you.

     I hope you freely enjoy these moments that will never return. Shine your unique light with an attractive smile and embrace the joy. Shall we, in closing, recite a verse while looking at one another?

     The more I look, the more beautiful you are. 

     The longer I see, the more lovable you are. 

     I am like that, you are like that, we are like that!

Thank you and God Bless! 


